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Money lying in the purse is just coins. Let loose from confinement, it is blankets against the cold and a full belly for someone.

Jolanta 9 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Someone on this site posted a stat. a week or two ago, which seemed like it should be true, which said that if everyone in the US gave up what they spend on Xmas presents it would be enough to feed all the worlds hungry for the year.


It is a sad fact of life that I have to inure myself to a lot of human suffering because if I lived as if every dime I don't need right this minute should save someone else from penury, I'd be in penury myself.

My wife and I raised four children between us, and because of various calamities over the years we're behind on providing for our twilight years. So we give strategically to charity now and then, but unfortunately are not in a position to have a real excess such that we won't be needing the help of others down the road if we're not careful.

We're also choosy about the cause. Helping the local homeless or an education fund for autistic children is one thing. Contributing to my daughter's GoFundMe page so her 2nd oldest can go to a summer education camp, not so much. It's been up for 4 days now and has garnered $5 (not mine) because when you CHOSE to have 4 children and 5 pets and you post a FB pic almost daily of your newborn wearing some pricey new outfit, you're only going to get crickets when you ask other people to raise your standard of living for you.

The irony is if she'd just ask us for a loan she'd probably get it interest free but what she wants is no strings attached $$. Ya know, I do too ... maybe I should post a GoFundMe for our summer vacation next year. Anyone want to liberate their coins for it? No? Didn't think so.

Yes, funny how we have children and they turn out to want, want and want.

@Jolanta Yeah I didn't raise her that way and I wasn't raised that way, and I can truthfully say it never occurred to me for a fleeting moment to hit my parents up for anything once I left the nest. I always set "18 and out" expectations with my kids. My son never asked me for anything and in fact was very conflicted about accepting offered help from me. And both my stepchildren wouldn't be caught dead pulling a public stunt like this. So ... 3 out of 4 ain't bad I guess, and apart from this weirdness around money, my daughter acquits herself well. So I try to focus on that.

Interesting side story, we were in Greece a few years ago and our Greek tour guide, an older woman, told us that their whole culture expects elderly parents to set up their children in business / provide financing / sometimes housing and babysit their kids and even clean their homes for them. Some people just get run into the ground by their kids until they drop dead. This woman scandalized her extended family by refusing to do it with her kids. Her children have nothing to do with her. She's a pariah, and doesn't care. Good for her! But the point is ... it could be worse. I can't imagine dealing with societal pressure on top of the entitled appeals of one's own children!

@mordant Yes you are right there. We can only do our best as parents. Look at Donald, his father sent him to military school to straighten him out and even that did not help.


Affordable housing would help a lot too.

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