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Good morning and good day to all. To those of us living in the MidAtlantic and our friends farther North we may be in for a shoveling quantity of snow fall this weekend. For those who deny climate change I say read as this is exactly as predicted for this area: lots of moisture, and we are growing gills here, which when cold comes (we haven't lost arctic air yet) snow. If it snows stay safe and warm. Protect your backs and hearts.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Sometimes it takes reality to wake people up to reality. As Climate Change affects more and more people it will be harder and harder to deny.


Awww, I was enjoying temp in the low 70s yesterday. In Alabama. I stopped enjoying the (infrequent) snowfalls here when I had kids and had to deal with the constant changing out of wet clothes, especially when the lights would be out and there was no heat and no way to dry the clothes!


Will do, thanks. FYI-that can also be considered snuggling weather.

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