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You know, Trump was right. Anything Obama did was nothing compared to what HE can achieve!

Petter 9 Jan 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I miss complete sentences.......


You inhale the news and turn it upside down to give us another perspective.

It's called Halitosis. ??

@Petter OMG you exhaled.


Well when you look at trump for how he actually acts and not what the media instructs us to see you will recognize the fact that he’s as original as silicon.

Most of policies are modified from a combination of Hitler,Nixon,Reagan and just a little dash of Clinton and the goal of most of them has been to either undo or outdo Obama.

Which is why he’s being the way he is about the wall it’s his Obamacare and just like Obama he’s walking out of meetings and acting as though there’s no compromise.

But I’m sure that the media isn’t going to ever point that out so look for yourselves.

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