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Michelle Obama Isn’t Really A Woman According To The Loony Tunes

It's not just [now former] President Obama was in the conspiracy crosshairs of the loony tunes extreme right-wingers. So was Obama's wife, Michelle Obama. The extreme right-wing has some suspicions about Michelle Obama as well as her 'better half' as these headlines taken from "Right Wing Watch" website show.

*[Stan] Solomon: [President] Obama Is ‘A Homosexual Muslim Married to A Man’. - Posted 10 November 2014

*‘Michelle Obama Is a Transvestite! [Radio Show Caller Named Patsy Asks] Why Can’t People Get The Facts?’ - Posted 16 May 2016

*Alex Jones: ‘Michelle Obama Is a Man’ Who Murdered Joan Rivers to Cover It Up. - Posted 17 May 2016

*Owen Shroyer Thinks Michelle Obama Is a Transgender Woman Seeking To Implement A ‘Demonic’ Culture. - Posted 17 October 2017

Quite apart from some members of the loony tunes right-wing suggesting and believing that Michelle Obama is actually a male dressed up in female garb (a totally bizarre idea but one worthy of the mentally challenged right-wing), they hold other near equally bizarre ideas about the (now former First Lady and) wife of President Obama.

*The Right Targets Barack and Michelle Obama – Hitlers in Waiting? - Posted 22 February 2008

*Is Anyone Surprised that WND [World Net Daily] is pushing a Patently False Story to Smear Michelle Obama? - Posted 28 February 2012

*Michelle Obama is an ‘Anti-American Extremist,’ Says Popular Birther Filmmaker [Joel Gilbert]. - Poster 28 September 2012

*Conspiracy Theorist Ed Klein: Obama is an ‘Imperial President’ who is Controlled by Feminists [like his wife, Michelle]. - Posted 16 October 2012

*WND [World Net Daily]: Barack and Michelle Obama are Pawns of Satan. - Posted 6 November 2012

*Glenn Beck: Michelle Obama a ‘Monster’. - Posted 6 June 2013

*[Jesse Lee] Peterson: Barack and ‘Angry Black Female’ Michelle Obama Trying ‘To Take Power Away From the White Man’. - Posted 24 July 2013

*[Bryan] Fischer: Michelle Obama Is Inviting Demons into the White House. - Posted 5 November 2013

*WND [World Net Daily]: ‘You Can Make a Black Woman the First Lady, but That Doesn’t Mean She Will Have Any Class’. - Posted 4 March 2014

*[Glenn] Beck: Resignation of White House Pastry Chef Is Proof Michelle Obama Is ‘Nuts’. - Posted 19 March 2014

*[Matt] Barber & [Mat] Staver: Michelle Obama ‘Is an Evil Human Being’. - Posted 28 March 2014

*Selwyn Duke Angry about Michelle Obama’s Speech Praising Desegregation. - Posted 22 May 2014

*WorldNetDaily Pundit [Mychal Massie] Wants ‘White Christian Conservative’ President Because Of Michelle Obama’s Vacations, Benghazi. - Posted 17 June 2014

*Fox’s Todd Starnes Attacks Michelle Obama for Marking Persian New Year, Just like George W. Bush. - Posted 18 March 2015

*Glenn Beck Furious That Michelle Obama Dared To Note America Still Struggles With Racism. - Posted 11 May 2015

*[Glenn] Beck: The Obamas Hate America Because They Never Accomplished Anything On Their Own And Still Answer To ‘The Man’. - Posted 12 June 2015

*Bradlee Dean Wonders If Barack and Michelle Obama Faked Their Wedding. - Posted 11 December 2015

*Alex Jones: ‘The Word Is’ Sasha and Malia Aren’t Obama’s Kids. - Posted 14 April 2017

*Larry Klayman Is Outraged By Michelle Obama’s Shoulders. - Posted 25 May 2017

And what about that Michelle Obama / Melania Trump plagiarism issue?

*The Five Most Absurd Defenses of Melania Trump’s Plagiarism of Michelle Obama. - Posted 19 July 2016

*Trump’s Campaign Finally Admits That Melania’s Speech Was Plagiarized. - Posted 20 July 2016

*Rachel Campos-Duffy: Michelle Obama Is the Real Plagiarist. - Posted 26 July 2016

But here’s one positive story from the otherwise loony right although one robin does not a summer make.

*Glenn Beck: Michelle Obama Delivered ‘The Most Effective Political Speech … Since Ronald Reagan’. (Posted 14 October 2016)

Personal Note: We note that the loony tunes right-wingers NEVER attribute bizarre characteristics to any of their female membership. I mean women like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Lori Bakker, Sandy Rios, Linda Harvey, Janet Porter, Ann Coulter, Cindy Jacobs, Anne Graham Lotz, Lila Rose, Liz Crokin, (the late) Phyllis Schlafly, and a host of others. Thus, I detect a bit of bias here when the loony tunes make up stories about women with liberal leanings, like Michelle Obama, but ignore their own loony tunes women.

johnprytz 7 Jan 12

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I’ve listened to a podcast devoted to cults, it’s hideously fascinating - with seemingly endless yet similar behavior.. Maybe what I shouldn’t find so amazing is how close they mirror ‘organized religion,’ if simply ‘larger cults.’ With that, what’s fed to their followers also mirrors the sorry insanity you’ve listed above… Apparently, there’s no limit to what followers will believe!

I wonder if it was The Fairness Doctrine that had once kept such garbage in check …by forcing ‘equal time’ on (US) ‘public airwaves’ to opposing political views..? Now, with 24/7 Hate Radio ..and it’s TV equivalent FOX (entertainment), ‘followers’ hear nothing but pure far-wrong propaganda …. but who remembers The Fairness Doctrine ..or cares 😕

Varn Level 8 Jan 12, 2019

These people( I use that term loosely) are proud to have a stripper/nude model, liar.. whatever she is as the First Lady. They continually bashed the Obamas during thier tenure. I remember when Michelle wore a sleeveless dress, they lost thier minds.
They are incredibly envious of the Obama’s. These were people that made thier own success. Daddy didn’t have to buy thier degrees. They genuinely love each other and they couldn’t find any personal dirt so they had to make stuff up.
Now there’s a Russian puppet in the office that’s had three wives, four kids that we know of and assaulted dozens.... but that’s ok for the religious racist right.

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