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Jonathan Pie: The free speech police:

JacarC 8 Jan 13

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Only people who are fine with calling others horrible names and hate speech, are screaming about free speech. As soon as someone does the same to them then they get upset.

That is not true.

@Jacar Actually it is

@Jolanta . . .No it is not. The most obvious are those who are obviously provokers. They are few. Most are not. The most vocal in the US now are the regressive lefters who have become fascists in that they resort to violence to stop any speech they disagree with. Even presentations based in actual research. These people are the most dangerous. Hurt feelings are just that.

Suppressing speech deemed, by someone to be not nice, is the first step toward fascism. And the decline of a society. The UK investigated 4000+ tweets last year for "hate speech." Meanwhile they are getting bombed.

@Jacar You know what. I have been several times to the US and I can tell you that is not the so called lefters that are the ones who are violent from personal experience.

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