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I just received an amber alert on two of my phones! Guess what the message said... watch the news ... What a waste of a technological resource.

Cutiebeauty 9 Jan 16

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I didn't get it so no comment.


You are so right. Maybe the person typing the got lazy with the message.


No argument from me.


I agree so much. Why not send some actual information.


Pointless isn't it


I turned the Amber Alerts off on my phone because every time I received an Alert, it was for something far away and there was no chance I would ever be near the area.

Now, if I could figure out how to turn off notifications from the President...

Unfortunately, you can't. That's not allowed.

I must be the golden child. I've never received an alert from the president, but everyone that I know has.

@sfvpool I pulled the battery out of my phone when the first one came out .Never got the notice. Left it out two hours to be safe.


Wonder why your other phone didn’t get the alert?

Only had two phones turned on....

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