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BionicDance usually gets posted in religion, but due to the subject matter...
Pence is a Putz [LGBTQ] - BionicDance

phxbillcee 10 Jan 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm subscribing to her YouTube channel

I do, & I recommend it!


What type of education u get in a school that seems more busy and concerned w sex than actually history / math / science / literature etc , etc . What type of obcession and what type of up tight asses and religious rules u have to endure to be their student . Who the hell wants to go to a school that your penis and your vagina are more important than your brains and performance .
U know . I can't even laugh anymore w this crap . I have a nurse , a young ( to me ) girl , 24 yr old . Last year she worked for me in one occasion and wanted to know about my career etc . I asked her where she went to school and what she got out of it and some other nursing crap . She told me that she spend originally 60K to attend a Christian college in my state . This is the type of college that in the medical community we have 0 respect for , but I kept mouth shut , she is young , she seemed caring for humans , I said , wtf , not my place .
But the devils has many legs and man , I find my self in his legs all the f x ? She went on to tell me that she is only interested on labor and delivery , " Bcz I am a devoted xristian and I will never be comftable w comfort measures or terminal whining off a vent or certain drugs , or certain diseases "
And I thought . Man , u r in the wrong field . Who the f cares " what u r comftable with ". This is not about u my litle " selfless Christian martyr", this is about WHAT A PATIENT MIGHT WANT . I also thought , religion = endless stroking of self ego and feeding self needs .
Congrats . U spend 60 K to learn how to not have sex b4 marriage and how to hate gays . I have news for u ma'am . Room 4, gay and HIV positive , here with a collapsed lung . All yours , show me a nurse . She never worked for me again . And honestly , I rather work short than work w stupid .

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