Everyone has an art. Everyone is an artist. By 'art' I mean the way one best expresses themself. A singer/songwriter, a painter, a poet, a sculpter, these are a few of the many many arts that are commonly thought of. The focus of ones talent, skill, and emotion into a manifestation of those, and other, qualities is ones art. A person can be diciplined in more than one 'art', but everyone has one. My two part question to you is, first, what 'arts' do you most admire, and, second, what is, or are, your arts?
I admire musicianship. I know enough about it to be dangerous but lack sufficient depth of well-rounded talent to meet my own standards, so I gave up keyboard playing a good decade ago. A lot of my efforts in that realm were driven by childhood admonitions not to "waste" my "talent", so it took me awhile to let go of my identification with that well-meaning but uninformed opinion, partly from my mother, partly from evangelical ideation.
I regard my profession as a software architect / developer as part technologist and part craftsman, and I enjoy the artistic, intuitive aspects of it more really than the technical parts -- although those are, of course, foundational.
As a published author (non-fiction technical books), I enjoy that on the level of craft and art also.
I would put in a vote for gardening, since it is one of the few which is a science as well, it is the only one which deals with the living environment, in time and space, it teaches humility because nature always messes with your efforts, and it always turns out better than your vision because nature upgrades your efforts. So much so, that when you really get good at it, you hardly do anything at all, because it is you that have grown even more than the plants.
Lovely picture of the Natural History Museum.
Once had a bear mess with my efforts ..broken scaffold limbs on my specimen pear trees. Took years to train & restore them. Now, I’ve deer eating my strategically placed forest edge rhododendrons… Perhaps Nature works in mysterious ways..
Art was the only thing I did well in school.. Got known for it, then it felt like a burden to keep up the pace. Really, having encouraged and as best one can, taught my daughters art, then have them become the top artists in their high school, has felt like my best work
I now live in an art infested community, so as competition pushes the limits, it gets weird! As far as what I like, I occasionally think of Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s description of obsentity, (I can’t describe it) “But I know it when I see it.”
Found I’ve incorporated ‘art’ into everything I do, decorating the house, planting placement, symmetrical pruning, even writing…
I'm a visual artist. Painting mainly but I also enjoy 3d art.