In my 59 year life, I have offered to "give my soul for eternity" to ANY entity that would physically APPEAR to me.
This "challenge" has been made appx 10-12 times.
As yet...none have wanted my "soul".
I don't fear the "god of Abraham", nor his impossible to find "son"... "Jesus Christ".
Fuck them all.
Ah, but more blessed still are those who have not seen, and yet believe, my son! Lean not unto thine own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge god, and he will direct your paths. God is far above mere human wisdom. Do not question him, for he loves you.
Sorry, just yanking your chain!
I’m an entity. I can appear to you. Whur you at?
Pay no mind to silly church dogma or old scriptures. Ultimate Reality reveals herself in every second of conscious awareness, in the advent of life, in reality and in nature herself.