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I am so pleased to be here . I am looking forward to finding how the rest of you deal with the constant insanity from our neighbors.....even just a good rant.

Salthart 3 Jan 24

Enjoy being online again!

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What kind of insanity do you experience, and from where? People who live next to you thumping the bible? I've got a distant cousin on fb who is a devout southern babptist in Texas. He is also very right wing and a Trump supporter. He recently told me Trump is a man of god. I asked him recently 'what would Jesus do' in response to his anti universal healthcare stance. He said that some of his people tried asking that question and they turned into liberals so they quit asking that question. SMH. There is no talking to these people. You just have to leave them wallow in their own shit.


I have neighbors with Bible quotes on their mailboxes.

ugh. where do you live, Alabama?

@Bonsai Upstate NY




For the last two weeks my neighbor has been constantly hammering on something in his house, this goes on until about 10 PM. I wish that sumbitch would finish building that ark so we can have some peace and quiet around here.

On the other hand I did just buy a 10 inch miter saw and I have some oak pieces I can practice on, hmmm.

You need a really loud shop vac to suck up all the dust you’ll be creating as you use the saw 😉


Rant all you like and welcome to this site. Take good care of yourself.


I found this sign. It changed my life.


It sounds like you are in the right place. This place is great for great discussions (and sometimes rants.)

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