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What is the direction of the progressive movement? We have elected many progressives but we do not know if we have an agreement on what we want to place in law? I am waiting and not seeing any constructive agendas generated.

Marine 8 Jan 24

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I have received many email surveys on this topic from progressive groups.

The problem is some of them and u cannot tell which ones are bogus, even though the topic is of concern, these are scams to get money. There are a couple about social security and many about animals.



Thrown out by individuals but not yet part of the official platform...until there is a firm platform, many donors like me are waiting to see where to put our is frustrating...but, there have been other concerns that are more immediate and I think there is still a lot of cobwebs to clear out and priorities set while still taking care of all of the other distractions created by you know who....


There are many progressive issues (as you see on this page) and they are all important. But nothing can be accomplished until we get money out of politics and get our democracy back. Only then will the people have any power to accomplish anything!

Senator Bernie Sanders points this out better than anyone else, IMO.


They were just sworn in a few weeks ago during the Trump shutdown. They'll need some time just to get rid of all the cobwebs and dust bunnies that gathered due to inaction by Ryan's lazy, doormat congress. They'll eventually get started on progressive legislation that will die in the senate, but will make for good campaign ads against GOP senators seeking re-election in 2020.


Are you asking for an agenda be articulated by a single person and / or organization? I thought that Bernie had that covered.

By the DNC


Medicare for all
Guaranteed livable wage
Green New Deal
Get Money out of Politics

cava Level 7 Jan 24, 2019

No one is talking about these items and we should be presenting a platform now to sink in and how we would pay for it.


The idea that there is a problem paying for them is IMHO a ploy. Look at the GOP with its 1.5 ? trillion dollar tax break for the wealthy...did they ask the question of how it will be paid for?. Also the company the Koch brothers paid to do the report on 'Medicare for All' found that overall it would be cheaper than the current system...something like 34 trillion versus 32 trillion over a ten year period (I'm a little off but not much).

You can also make an argument (as Greenspan explained to the chagrin of Paul Ryan) according to Modern Monetary Theory, if the economy will allow it, print the money.


Also, you will see a large number of proposed platforms come out this year and I suspect with some of these on them, especially Bernie and Tulsi Gabbard and others.

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