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“I am very proud to announce today that we have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government” Mr Trump said during his speech.

The way that I understand it, and I may be very wrong here, is that the deal is nothing happening for three weeks with ‘the wall’ but people get to earn money again. Is that ‘The Art Of The Deal’ or am I missing something?

Just for background I’m a Brit in Australia so am not totally aware of the other dimensions that are operating here.

Geoffrey51 8 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Hey he couldn't let the airports close a week before the super bowl, now could he? Lets wait 3 weeks, then we'll shut it down again. (I hear rumblings that lawsuits will prevent him from a nat. emergency.)


And then I think he said if he doesn't get further funding for the wall that he could shut the government down again in February lol


Today he got trumped. They are going to pass a bill to keep government open for three weeks and back pay all those for the past month.
There’s a couple of things here, his poll numbers have dropped, one of America’s busiest airports came to a ground stop today and the State of the Union speech being postponed.
45 is obsessed with polls and being seen.. the speech being postponed had to be killing him.

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