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Rules set by true fans:

  1. "You're not a true fan of a series unless you've seen it to the end!"
  2. "You can't criticize a series unless you've seen it to the end."
  3. "If you don't like it, don't watch it".

Therefore "true fans" can never criticize the material unless the thing they didn't like happens at the very end. It's a gauntlet, folks.

Cuberon_Blocket 4 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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So one cannot be a true fan of a series while it's still airing?

Apparently not. It's a tough standard X)

By the way, I love that profile picture. I think I look it more wizard-esque until I zoomed in on it.


Nope, I am not obliged to go over painful boring stuff to see the end to tell it is bad, for my taste.
What people don't know how to separate is personal taste and quality.

"But...but Pedro! How will you ever achieve true fanhood? Have you no ambition?"

@Cuberon_Blocket Can you be a true fan and a true Scotsman at the same time, is what I'm wondering.


And you have to understand basic things about it, like what happened. lol If you hate a show because you misunderstood something, well, that can hardly be blamed on the show.

I guess my overly sarcastic point was that "true fan" seems like an unworthy ideal, if you're pretty much not allowed to say anything bad or offer improvements. I completely agree with you though.

@Cuberon_Blocket I've rarely encountered people who offered improvements to a particular criticism of a show, though. And when they do, it is often so bad that it makes me realize why creative people sometimes get the big bucks. Reminds me of this Seinfeld exchange...
ELAINE: How am I ever gonna turn this into a book?

JERRY: Well, just shape them - change them. You're a writer.

ELAINE: Yes! I'm a writer.

JERRY: Make them interesting.

ELAINE: Interesting! Of course! People love interesting writing!
Sounds perfectly easy...until you try to do it yourself. Or this painting:


Where the woman thought it would be a snap to fix a painting. It wasn't.

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