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A sadly peculiar phenomenon taking place in Japan:

Condor5 8 Jan 27

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It's not only young people either and everywhere in the world.


I see this happening in other places besides Japan.


And how is this different than the weirdos living in parents' basements here?

This isn't only young people, they talk about how it is affecting people of many ages, elderly included.

@Condor5 I did not say weirdos must be young people.........

@AnneWimsey old people don't generally live in their parents' basements. And when you call these people "weirdos", you are either being insensitive or ignorant. They have mental conditions engendered by societal norms and expectations that are difficult for them to deal with; it's a different culture, of which you probably have as little understanding as I do.

@Condor5 it isdirectly analogous to the link....if your parents are in their 80's, you could easily be 50 or more.....

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