Snow storm, bitter cold, schools closed, no work for me again today.
I woke up this morning to a text from a work friend. She has a husband, collects Social Security, and works almost as many hours as I do, so she's doing great. But, she worries about me and my finances.
She has assured me that my blessings are waiting, and all I need to do is ask God for them, and he will deliver. Like a hamburger from Uber.
So, what should I pray for? I have lots of time I can waste today.
World peace? The end of misogyny? No more racism? Eradication of poverty?
@roberto0004 Thank you for your kind interest. I am currently dating someone I met on Agnostic. I hope that you find what you're looking for, Roberto! Perhaps next time we can do this privately via message? All best.
@roberto0004 Also, I just reported you for inappropriateness. I feel it is only right to let you know. And a tip: don't lead with "My Dear". It is just gross.
Pray for her to see the light and do tell her that like Santa Claus, god ain't real....LOL
A million dollars, of course. Remember me when the windfall comes....
@HomeAloneSunday Maybe it'll work better for you than it did for me....
Start phoning people, offer to pray for them and ask foe a dollar, each time. You never know little acorns grow, in a couple of years you could be running your own church from the Bahama's . But seriously keep communicating, even mild cabin fever can lead to depression etc. so write to sites like this and check your neighbors are OK.