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Wedding venue rejects same-sex couple's celebration due to religious beliefs.


Wedding cakes were just the beginning, folks.

Elganned 8 Jan 28

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Let them become bankrupt I would say. Spread it around which venue it is and lets see how much business they get or not.


The law is an ass in this case. What if this couple decided that an African American marrying a white American is against their conscience? What if they decided that any non virgins marrying each other are against their conscience? (If they went with the latter, they'd not have many bookings). A business that offers itself as a wedding venue should not be permitted to discriminate. It should be that simple


Yes, there are still a lot of wedding vendors who refuse same sex weddings... wedding planners and photographers are the ones I deal with, who outright tell me they don't accept same sex clients.

I'm a wedding officiant, and for my clients, I warn them in advance which vendors I know don't welcome same sex couples - I don't want them having a bad experience in being rejected, nor waste their time.

One photographer who refuses same gender couples refers them to another photographer and pockets the referral fee from the accepting photographer. I have a problem with that. I keep that photographer low on my referral list, but couples find him on their own.

At this point in the conflict, I am just interested in making sure everyone is happy. Those who publicize the discrimination are doing everyone a favor. I don't feel that I can participate in the publicizing of those vendors, because I can't afford to make any enemies.

On the flip side of the coin, while I do serve same sex couples and couples of all faiths, I refuse to include any mention of God in my services. That is my prerogative, and is in my booking agreement, since I am a humanistic minister, not a Christian or any other religious minister. Celebrating my particular brand of humanistic spirituality is my actual job, so I'm not discriminating, just specializing.

So, on one hand I can understand deeply held religious convictions limiting what you will or will not do, if it goes against what you believe, but on the other hand, I can not understand a refusal to cook/bake, provide space or planning services, except where it honestly would affect your level of service.

Providing space, can't really have much in the way of affecting quality service, so my guess is that this venue is worried about other clients learning of their renting space to a same sex couple and therefore feel they would lose future bookings. That is debatable - but it is Texas.


I would Never give my money to assholes like this! Never!

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