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Job hunting sucks...That is all. Carry on

helionoftroy 7 Jan 29

Enjoy being online again!

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The govt claims the unemployment rate is down to 3.6 percent.
I never believe any stats they put out.


It's deflating. I work in an industry presumed to be dying and I can get a job in many different places but because of industry downsizing I'm overqualified for 90 percent of it and would have to accept a fat cut in income. It starts to feel like there's no place in the workforce for you. I'm looking because I'm trying to leave my current job and just slowly giving less and less of a fuck about even being employed and calculating how long I can just live off my savings.

It sucks.

I've been applying for online teaching jobs also. Figured if I could teach online I could live anywhere and be happy. (Europe...dream location)

@helionoftroy Depending on what you're looking to teach (and how much you want to make) there are several legitimate sites that let you teach English to Chinese kids online and paying 20+ an hour.

@Xuande haha I applied to one and they told me no. And that's with teaching experience.

@helionoftroy Naturally, ugh

@helionoftroy Where in Europe?

@bingst Greece, because that’s where I’m from


Been there.. feeling pretty good in my current job , so i guess i lucked out


Yes it does


Job interview:
"What's your greatest weakness?"
"I don't think honesty is a weakness."
"I don't give a fuck what you think."

Old joke, but still accurate

I'd love to try that sometime, along with "I like beer!" 😛


"Where do you see yourself in five years?"

How many different ways have I answered that question?? Not truthfully that's for sure.

@helionoftroy It is a completely idiotic question and only idiots ask it. However, if you tell them that, the chances of being hired drop somewhat.


It does. That's why I'm self employed.

Lucky you! As a massage therapist for 16 years that's what I'm used to. Oh why did I go back to school???

That's what I'm thinking of doing. I'm just not sure how to; all the details.


It's what you make it. The people you interview with sense it.


I've often considered job hunting far more difficult than having a job.

Ain't that the fucking truth!!


I know! After graduating with a degree in marketing, I couldn't find work anywhere until a positioned opened up in Montana. I moved everything there including my dogs! The job dried up after a year and so I was stuck there. It's a pretty fucking weird place, especially if you're not white. Really nice hot weather for two months and then dead winter for 10. Everybody drinks there. All. The. Time. If you're not drunk, then there's something wrong with you. I was happy to come back east for Graduate School.

Welcome back. At least in New England you get 3 months of summer and 9 months of winter!

Sounds like all of Canada ?

@hippydog ,
Vancouver island (BC) stays green all winter. Where I live (South island) golfers have likely missed fewer than 8 days this winter b/c of frost.
When I get back home this weekend I expect to find some flowers blooming.

@callmedubious when i went to Vancouver island for a vacation 2? yrs ago in jan .. it snowed just before i got there lol.. was nice the rest of the week though..

@hippydog ,
I would never recommend Jan. for a visit there. Unless you lilke to ski. Great skiing at Mt. Washington.
It's quite easy to ski & golf the same day on Van Isle.


Yes, it does. Just keep at it. Sometimes it takes literally hundreds of applications before you find something. In my profession, which is pretty specialized with few openings, I put in about 15 applications, got 2 interviews, and one offer, which I took. A relative, who is an engineer, literally sent out a hundred resumes before getting a job. Friends of friends can be good leads for jobs.

Orbit Level 7 Jan 29, 2019

I've hit everybody up for leads. Even posted in Soda City Connections on stupidbook until I got kicked out for giving a trump supporter a bad review.

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