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I was a short story writer in my 20s. Any authors out there. How do you start?

michaelj 7 Jan 29

Enjoy being online again!

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<---Published author. Everyone's path is different.

  1. Have been a voracious reader since childhood. I inhale books like oxygen.

  2. Wrote personal journals for years.

  3. When my daughter was born, I wrote funny stories about Claire's first five years in journals. She loves it.

  4. Each week, I wrote letters to my mother about silly things that happened.

  5. Wrote a popular monthly column for the Wenatchee Business Journal for eight years. Deadlines came up fast. This honed my ability to write succinctly and tell stories.

  6. My first book was published in 2008. To my surprise, my manuscript was accepted by the first two publishers to whom I sent it.

  7. Don't quit your day job.

Sorry if this is info you've provided in the past, but I'm wondering why you don't plug your book here? I am also a voracious reader and would love to know.


No, I have not posted this before.

From Community Guidelines:

"Don't post anything commercial. If you think there is something that the community wants to buy, send it to us first 🙂"

@LiterateHiker got it.


You need a book called Writer's Market (unless you're talking about the creative process instead of making money)

Orbit Level 7 Jan 29, 2019

I am talking about the creative process

@michaelj the war of art was insightful.


There is a group here for that. 😉 []


If there were a foolproof answer I suspect a lot more of us would be rich. There are certainly ways to increase your likelihood of getting some attention. Start a blog. Put stuff you write online, so it's easily accessible. That works as a ready-to-go portfolio you can point anyone to.

I'm not sure what your goals are, but reach out to the publications you think might suit you. Having their contact info is helpful, and making them aware of you doubly so. Editor contacts are free, and they're everywhere, you just have to look for them.

There IS a group on here ostensibly for people like you, and I thought so too, but I was put off pretty much immediately when I tried to ask a similar question. I wouldn't count on it for anything. That said, my experience might not be yours, and your mileage may vary.

Either way, good luck.

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