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Still doing my old martisl arts stretches every morning and bike riding, but wondering how much is healthy and how much is too much. I'm over 60.

michaelj 7 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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All depends on what kind of condition you're in. The gym I go to has quite a few folks in their 80's and 90's that do some serious , and regular workouts ! They totally inspire me .

The less you do over time - the less you'll be able to do. Use it or lose it.
You're still a youngster by comparison - keep it up !

Youngster, I love it.


Your body will tell you.


I'm 74 and ride 80 to 100+ miles a week. (4 or 5 rides), so at 60ish you probably have a bit to go.

You are my new hero


That's a discussion you should have with 1) a MD and 2) a certified and educated (degree in something related to the body and exercise) personal trainer


Wondering the same ..for the same reason. Been staying active with outside physical projects, and only start up some kind of calisthenics when inside and inactive. But I get that ‘how much is too much’ feeling 🙂

Varn Level 8 Jan 30, 2019

Right, I notice that I feel better with several rest days in a week.


Keep it up I did not because of injuries and now I am paying for it. However recognize that your body like a car is wearing out and adjust your workout accordingly. Semper fi

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