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So, the governor of Virginia (a democrat) got busted for a picture in his med school yearbook. It doesn't matter if he was the one in blackface, or in the KKK garb, it was 1984 for fuck's sake, and he was 25 years old.
I don't care if it happened 30 years ago.
He should have known better. Apologizing means nothing.
He needs to resign. Now.
He will not be able to perform his duties with any efficacy.

KKGator 9 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm not really interested in this issue and I have not looked into it, and you could be right that he, based on his motivations, should resign. On the other hand, as you say, it was 1984, maybe it was just satire, or in an other way making fun of discrimination. The information I get here is a little too limit to judge.

Gert Level 7 Feb 3, 2019

You are free to take it anyway you please, based on whatever information you have.

@KKGator Hahahaha, don't we all! I'm glad you allow that 😀


Agree what has he been doing lately and is it good?

People can change. T45 joined the Republicans just to become first man of the US. His choice was based on "Republicans are stupid enough to accept me".


"The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything." - Theodore Roosevelt

I was gonna rant but decided this simple quote was better.

Your quote does not apply here.

He had 35 years to do something about it BEFORE it could have been used against him. He did nothing. Now, it's come back to bite him in the ass.
He wasn't a "kid", he was 25 years old. It was 1984, not the 50s.
He has NO excuses. He needs to resign. Today.

@KKGator Quote says man not kid and was that a mistake? You can disagree but even our system of justice believes in that concept. Thats why we have a statute of limitations.

@Biosteelman He wasn't a "kid". He was 25 years old.
This is not about a criminal act. It's about a mindset.
Your "statute of limitations" has nothing to do with this.
Even IF he has evolved, he didn't address this until he was "outed" with
it. He knew it existed, he could have taken the teeth out of it BEFORE
it had a chance to come back and bite him in the ass.

Why are you trying to defend this?

@KKGator I've seen people reform. I believe in development and change in people. I argue this every time I've seen it come up. Regardless of the individual. Now had he done something currently that makes people say he might be a racist piece of shit and then the photo came out. Now I'm good with it.

@SeaGreenEyez Fine, give him a pass if you want to.
Now he's saying it wasn't him.
So, you can believe him when he says that.

@SeaGreenEyez The minute he knew he wanted to go into politics, he should have fessed up to the photo, and anything else he may have done, and apologized.
Anyone who goes into politics knows their opponents will use anything and everything against them. Nothing remains hidden. Nothing.
If you know you did anything remotely sketchy, you have to be the one to bring it to light. Don't try to hide it. Don't leave it for your opponents to do.
Especially now. Anyone who thinks they've got ANY chance of hiding anything in their past is fooling themselves.

@SeaGreenEyez When you say "no politicians at all", you make it sound like a bad thing. LOL
No thanks necessary, we all indulge each other at one time or another.
I've been hanging around this place for over a year. I'm sure I've been indulged more times than anyone can count.


He needs to go.


He needs to be held accountable Dem or Repub. Although before all you Repubs get your panties in a bunch, Dems in general are less likely to dress in this fashion, more so than is a Repub. He is an exception, and as most intelligent people know, its not the exceptions that make the rule, but the larger trend. So do not try to make a bigger case than it is. He needs to be held accountable, but is not the definition.

I don't see how this has anything to do with party.
He might be a democrat, but he still needs to resign.
No excuses. No more apologies. Just resign.

@KKGator. A look at historical reporting shows that offenders who have been exposed for this or similar infractions are overwhelmingly Republican. So there is a loose connection. And yes he needs to be held accountable regardless of his party.


I am amazed one could be elected as a governor without this coming out.

MizJ Level 8 Feb 1, 2019

Yeah. The guy has been going up the political ladder, and after 35 years, it comes out now?
He knew it was there. He had plenty of time to head it off.
He didn't. He is doubly stupid.
He needs to resign.

@KKGator he’s probably pissed someone off so it was leaked!

@Geoffrey51 He should have known it would have been leaked eventually. He had 35 years to come clean about it, and take the teeth out of it.
He chose to try to ignore it. Now, it's come back to bite him.
Of course it got leaked by a conservative site. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.


As someone who actually lived in Virginia the position of governor within the commonwealth is all but useless because it’s a one term 4 year stint.

So whether he resigns or not he won’t matter much but on the other hand I’m glad to see people not ignoring his past actions because of his party affiliation.

Just saying that if he was a republican there would be absolute mass hysteria by tomorrow morning and Richmond would be burned down twice in its history. ?

I don't hold affiliation with either of the two main parties.
If someone does stupid shit, I don't care what letter comes after their name, they need to go.

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