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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

That is the second amendment. If you can show me where it says reasonable gun control I'll give you the entire universe to do with as you please. Until then, legal gun control means using both hands.

jayneonacobb 7 Feb 23

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It says if you are part of a militia you have the right to bear arms. That is all it says. How fucking stupid do you have to be to argue that everybody deserves to have weapons designed and built for the sole purpose of killing and maiming as many people as possible as fast as possible. I don't give a fuck what the 2nd amendment says or any thing else says, I am not going to live in a country where anybody can have a weapon like that. How can you not see how stupid that is?

Feel free to move.


I'm curious here. I have my opinions on the gun debate. But, as a disclaimer, I really have no stake in the debate. I'm not American.

But I'm interested on your thoughts on the points below. If you them invalid or just non-sense, you can ignore them.

For this first point, I just want to talk straight numbers. Humour me on this point. It's a little "dark" and "scary", actually, but it relates to point 3 below.

1: Would a well regulated militia be up to task against the U.S. military? I mean...with just the numbers (militia men, age, armaments, experience, logistical capabilities and supply), would a well regulated militia be a match for the U.S. Government?

Just to clarify my thoughts: I don't really think the U.S. would be dumb enough to march their defense forces against its citizens.

If you put the numbers plain and simply on "the table", so to speak, how would the numbers for a well regulated militia stack-up against the numbers for the U.S. Government? Ignore military drones, if you wish.

And on points 2 and 3 below, we're back to politics:

2: Don't you think that voting rights, activism against governments and staying informed are what keeps states free?

3: Strong-armed leaders, control of the press and the military are what authoritative governments use to keep their states oppressed. Do you see the U.S. Government turning away from democracy and capitalism to become an authoritative government?

Thank you for being objective and fair in your post.
Well the militia is not a requirement for people to keep and bear arms. To answer the question though let's look at the definitions of militia. There are two, sometimes three, but the first two are so close it may as well be one. A militia is an armed force who support a military. Or anyone eligeable for military service. That means that anyone old enough to join the military up to the cut off age is part of the militia. I don't have the numbers, but it's higher than the standing military. There are 320 million people here, let's assume that 1/3 of them are of the age to be eligible for military service. That's a pretty conservative estimate. That means there are over 100 million militia members in the US. There are at least three times as many guns and more than enough ammo here as there are militia members as previously defined. The fact that the government isn't dumb enough to turn the military loose on the people should be a clear answer as to how effective 100 million armed people are as a deterrent. Most service members have said they would not ever attack American citizens.

Point 2. I do see those as avenues for the opposition of tyranny. However, if they fail, we need the ability to physically fight tyranny.

Point 3. America is not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic which employs a heavily regulated and perverted version of democracy. They already violate the bill of rights all the time. The bill of rights, which was establish to limit government, is not legally subject to infringement from any source. They already are an authoritarian regime. They became one as soon as they started breaking the law and reinterpriting the rights expressed in the bill of rights as privilages.

@jayneonacobb There's a couple new thoughts that I wouldn't have thought:
1: armed militia is a deterrent - which is true and
2: some (including you) no long consider the U.S. to be a democracy (in which the people control who is in government and the government works for the people).
Thanks for your reply, mate.

@SamKerry no problem, friend. 1 the armed people are a deterent to the militia, military and government. 2 the united states has never been a democracy. It has always been a constitutional republic.


Begin sarcasm.

Obviously the Lilly dick leftists just took all of the letters in the 2nd amendment and used their "superior LACK of intellect and grammatical accuracy" to rearrange all of the letters in the 2nd amendment to spell the words "gun control" which their minds will just accept because they're good obedient soulless wastes of space that engineered the entire situation by not disciplining their kids and wondering why they bully each other resulting in the kids going crazy and attacking the institution where the bullying took place.

Long story short. If you want to see the words "gun control" in the 2nd amendment then either stab yourself in the eyes with a rusty dinner fork or ask a blind man to read the 2nd amendment for you. At least that's how the left managed to do it.

End of sarcasm.


So you don't think there's any problem? That's basically what you're saying. And if you're going to be a strict constuctionist, then you should approve of anyone of any age having arms... of any kind. The 2nd amendment is not specific to the kind of arms. So the US government shall not infringe on a person's right to have a... tomahawk missile, for example.

Well, first let me explain that there is a problem, but that is not what we are discussing here. We are discussing the definition of the second amendment. Arms is defined as all weapons and armaments. They used that term knowing full well that weapons technology would advance, as it has since the first stone was used as a weapon. Who do you think makes the arms for our military and police? You guessed it, the people. The government doesn't manufacture anything anymore. So if people make those weapons, they must have the ability to own them as they may not be purchased by the government. You can buy an F-16 if you have the cash. Private security firms often have their own helicopters and mounted weapons. Those are owned by the company, which is owned by private citizens.

@jayneonacobb And what about the rest of my comment? Who can own arms?

@bingst the people can own arms. That is clearly worded in the second half of the second amendment. I owned my first gun as soon as I was born. It was given to me by my father. As far as the missiles are concerned, if I own the company that makes them, then I own them until they are sold. That's how capitalism works. I own the company, the company owns the weapons, they are my weapons.

@jayneonacobb I can kind of understand why you have problems discussing this. You seem to be dodging. Let me give some more specific examples, in light of strict construction. Could a 5-year old with the right amount of money for the purchase buy a handgun or a missile? Or grenades or rocket-propelled grenades?

@bingst I bought my first gun at age 11, my father had to hand the seller the cash that I earned. I bought the gun, he purchased it. There is a big difference there as purchase requires paperwork, buying required money. So yes, a 5 year old can buy a hand gun, as long as the seller takes the money from a legal guardian. Where do you buy a missile? It's not like you can go to missiles-r-us. But I can buy a company that manufacturers missiles. It doesn't have to be publicly traded either. That means I can buy the stock as a private citizen from a company when I but the company. That makes their unsold inventory mine upon purchase of the company.

@jayneonacobb I'm talking about how things would work without any gun legislation... without any regulations... as the 2nd amendment prohibits any infringement, as I understand it that is your position.

@bingst the second amendment expressly forbids infringement. It also specifically defines the right to keep and bear arms as a right of the people. Your arguments are based on assumption, feeling and misunderstanding of that amendment and as such is not a legitament argument.

@jayneonacobb What argument am I making? I am just asking questions of your viewpoint, which seems to be strict adherence to the 2nd amendment, meaning there should be no laws or regulations amounting to infringement, correct? If so, then why will you not answer my questions directly?

@bingst your argument is clear in your line of questioning. I answered your question. You just don't accept the answer.


@jayneonacobb perhaps you would like to be the voice of the gun lobby with your response to my question

Click the link.

I will be happy to do so. Education often dispelles irrational fears.though I doubt anyone will listen given the data I have at hand.


The liberal idiots want the government to have all the guns. Ever time there’s a shooting somewhere they always want to seize the guns of law abiding citizens but often they don’t even mention much about the shooter at all. The liberals don’t even recognize the 2nd amendment as giving private citizens the right to bear arms. That’s the reason we have 4 judges on the US Supreme Court that believe it ok for a city government to ban its citizens from having guns in their own home.


Show me how allowing everyone - no exceptions - being allowed to bear arms constitutes a 'well regulated militia'.

Or do you think that this means everyone has the right to bear arms?

And what do you mean by 'legal gun control means using both hands'?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." You will note that it is the right of the people to keep and bare arms, not a militia. A militia in this context is defined as anyone capable of military service. Gun control isn't legal in the US, but using both hands gives you better control over your weapon. Don't let your feelings cloud your judgment. Also there are exception. If a person is deemed by society as dangerous them they are committed or imprisoned. Being wards of the state they are stripped of certain rights as they are incapable of comprehending their legal use.

That is why I asked. As an outsider, divided by a common language, the wording of the second amendment is ambiguous at best and nonsense if taken literally.

As I have stated previously, I don't give a shit if you want to make guns compulsory for everyone and have shootouts on every street corner - it's not my problem (although on a global scale it has implications) - I am genuinely interested in what you find so great about the right to carry a gun.

Ironically, you are the one arguing for gun control in that there need to be checks for those that you don't think are safe to carry guns. Where does it say the right to bear arms except for those that we don't like or feel will not help keep a free state?

If a mentally ill person has been sectioned as UNABLE to comprehend what is legal, then OK, they don't need weapons in an institution. However, those outside of institutions and those that have served their time are out because they are deemed to be safe to be in society do have an understanding of what is legal or otherwise. So by your interpretation above, should be allowed to bear arms.

Do you not see the conflict of stating that the right to bear arms cannot be removed and then stating you should remove that right for some groups?


Anything can change.

Not the rights expressed in the bill of rights, the laws of physics, facts, or countless other things.

Let's do a simple thought experiment. E=Mc2. That is unchangeable. Also you are way off topic here. I asked for people to show me where in the second amendment it says "reasonable gun control." It doesn't. You lose.

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