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Lol, here I thought I'd invented "trumpet"!!
(Note small " t" tho'😉
I'll explain my thoughts in case someone's interested...
First, small t indicate small mindedness,
Next, a trumpet is a brass instrument, maker of loud noises, off key and unpleasant , if the user is untalented.
The "et/(ette)" ending might really specify female, but I think of it more as indicating infantile.
You all might think of more, but my last thought is... The trumpet doesn't play itself, someone else stands behind it, pushing, the buttons, "calling the shots".

Also, DJVJ311 informed me that the word " trump" means an audible fart in his country, Great Britain, I think he said.

njoy_life_2 7 Feb 23

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TrumpOLINI MUSSolini both merge war corporations with government both murder innocent women and children both as bad as Billary Goldman Sachs Mezvinski crime families our only humane choice was


Trump is British slang for an audible fart.

Love that <3
Makes it even more perfect.


And the color?.... Oh perfect!

Underwear "skid marks" resemble TrumpOLINI orange hair

@GreenAtheist pH geeeesh, lpl

@njoy_life_2 how does pussy grabber TrumpOLINI deserve any respect ?

@GreenAtheist I was unaware that I was offering him any, in my post.

Off topic, the only iota of respect I can offer toward him is that we must admit he's probably a human.... Depressing as that is ....

@njoy_life_2 please translate: " pH geeesh IpI " ?

@GreenAtheist I'd posted an emoji at either end of the "geeesh", and at first they showed as ???'s. Then as what we now see. I think, ....if I recall correctly...

@njoy_life_2 frowning faces ?

@GreenAtheist nope, let's see if I can duplicate it, using A's way, instead of my phone's emojis. ... Here goes....

😛 geeesh 😉

Yeah,, it worked, Altho' the one sticking his tongue out looks hungry. I'd meant to have it just go "blah".

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