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New font!

skado 9 Feb 5

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The site code is set for Lato and the usual defaults Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, and Verdana. What you see depends on what your device is able to display.

I looked at the source code and the style sheets.

Aren't those all sans-serif?

@skado Your computer is going to default to whatever it is able to display.

It's displaying a font with serif (as of today). I haven't been able to identify it yet, but there are many which are similar. No biggie - just idle curiosity. If we knew the name, people who wanted it could download it. Mine apparently already has it.

@skado Web fonts are not necessarily typefaces and fonts that can be downloaded. Nowadays they are usually hosted but if your device can't display them, and that could happen for a lot of reasons, you may be seeing a generic style.

I see. Thanks. Is there any easy way to determine the identity of the new font (or typeface) to find out if it’s available to people who might want the update (if any do. Not hugely important I realize).

@skado What do you wish to accomplish? If you are having trouble viewing a website, your device probably needs updating, like to the current Windows 10 updates or most current Chrome or Firefox browser. If you're on a mobile device, you'd want to be using an up-to-date Android operating system. I do not use Apple machines so I'd have to go look up what's current.

I'm not having any trouble, and not trying to accomplish anything. Just an idle curiosity. Not really worth troubling over. Thanks for your input.


I noticed that as well


Yep. Coding...

I like it. Very classy and refined.


Is it?

For some people apparently, if the new one is on your device. If not , you see the old default.

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