What’s a good way to sell stuff online? I tried Etsy for some vintage clothing and got nothing, but my SIL says it’s hard enough to sell stuff you make much less vintage stuff.
I tried Amazon but the site is so difficult to navigate.
I tried Craigslist but I had to keep updating the merchandise because it kept falling to the bottom of the list - I might not have been using it correctly or gotten the hang of it, I don’t know.
I tried ebay, but I found 25 people selling the same thing I was and nobody had any takers (it was a manga in Japanese that has since been translated to English and sold in stores, maybe that’s why).
I have some nice clothes from the sixties, framed old magazines with The Who on the cover (I photocopied the articles about them inside), some fine china, and perhaps some really nice purses (I don’t know if I’ll part with them or not). Also a friend of mine wants to sell stuff, I don’t know what, but he needs money and hasn’t had luck on Nextdoor or LetGo. I’d like to make some good money because these are all really valuable things. Any suggestions?
Some of the info on here has been very helpful for me as I'm in the same quandary. I've got a couple of items I think are worth selling, but I don't know if there's buyers and I don't want to have to maintain an online listing that may or may not guarantee a sale... Since you're near Chicago, there may be more places that take vintage items, especially near a college or artsy community; they may just take it as a donation and not on payment or consignment, but if you just want to get rid of them it's a good option. Sometimes it's just not worth the time, money, and effort to try to sell something... Then again, there are things I won't give away; I've got some vintage jewelry and a large salt-and-pepper shaker collection where some of the items are just too valuable, so I'm still looking for a way to sell them.
@Closeted Never did it myself but I have a friend who does.
Auctions will get you far more money for far less work & no strangers in your house, or waiting for no-shows. Find an auction house that has a website and will hold your item for a week or so while they build up interest. I had a vintage "banjo clock", not working. Put it on EBay & Craig's list 2x each. Nothing. Auctioneer netted me $90 after his 20% commission, and after his workman fixed it...because they work on %, they work hard to make the most $$$! Vintage items do especially well, btw.
Not sure if you have them where you are but Plato’s closet is a vintage consignment shop. You may also consider renting a booth or corner in an antique store.
Have you tried FB market? It is more local and people seem to have quite a bit of success buying and selling without having a yard sale.
You can't even give away china...I tried and no one wants it.
Clothes, shoes and purses don't sell well no matter what...
Sorry to say that what is valuable to you is not valuable to most people...you have already paid for the items so it is a sunken cost...whatever you get is better than nothing, but I wouldn't get your hopes up...
I have been trying for four years to give away a brand new motorized wheelchair and not even charity will pick it up...
@blessie22 Go away troll
@Closeted There is a company called MaxSold that will come in and remove everything and classify it as auction, fleamarket, etc. Not sure where you are located so it might not be available in your area...they take a cut but they try to get the most money because they make money if you make money...if they can't sell it, they donate or trash it...I am using them to clear out my house...
@Closeted They take everything...lol...I have antique china, glassware, clothes, etc. Books, magazines, coins...they have experts and they do online and actual auctions as well...
@thinktwice Maxsold seems very interesting. Thanks.
@bingst lol they even pack up the stuff...and they inventory each item, even if it is "junk"...
@thinktwice From what I saw, they're only around big cities. Doesn't do me any good, but could definitely help folks who live in or near those places.
@bingst Yes...they will only travel so far...but there are other groups like this and many are local...