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New Mexico's governor pulls National Guard troops from border... Great article on one govenor's defiance of T's bullshit border war.


mzbehavin 8 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Instead of watching tRumps crappola I watched an episode of "Adam Spoils Everything" on Netflix. This one was about the real problem with building a wall

He sais that building a wall actually created more illegal immigration. In the past workers came here to do seasonal work and then go back to where their meager income has more value. The wall actually reduces the return home and then return to the US for work rate and more and more are trapped on our side of the border. He also said more are in the US illegally because they fly here with a legal visa and then stay.
Again, I have to take issue as this issue seems to only be about economics. No one ever mentions the environmental repercussions of a growing population/activity (increasing the environmental footprint of the most environmentally destructive country in the world).

Did faux news talk about that yet, or is tRump still clueless?

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