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Psychological characteristics of religious delusions []

altschmerz 9 Feb 6

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It is true that psychotic people often have delusions of a religious nature. From that fact is it possible to equate religion with mental illness? Not in my world. Is the Dalai Lama mentally ill? Was Ghandi? Mother Theresa?

John Nash thought at one point that he was king of the world. Can a rational person conclude then that politics is a mental illness? He was also a mathematician. Does that make mathematics a mental illness? If you disagree with someone, it is not a valid argument to claim that they are crazy. Those who make such arguments are themselves irrational.

According to the book “Rethinking Madness”, people create their own psychoses as a way of dealing with dire existential crises. Given support such people usually overcome and emerge with a deep reverence and appreciation for reality—with spirituality.

@Closeted why would you present the article on this forum if not to imply...


Some around here appear to freak when the religious are compared with the mentally ill. I’m not one of them.

Varn Level 8 Feb 7, 2019

@Matias My lifetime of observation would describe it as a symptom or trait of a disorder, take your pick. A little leaves folks a bit mixed up - a lot is a more serious problem, for everyone. But with the vacillating DSM, even ‘the professionals’ appear in flux 😕

Is disagreeing “freaking”?

@WilliamFleming ‘Freaking out,’ so to speak, over the ability of non licensed yet observant human beings to call something as they see it..

@Closeted When does denial enter the picture? There were cultures that sacrificed children; were they not a form of collective insanity? What level of psychosis allows for cults, or anyone to blindly follow..? How long can someone deny an obvious reality and still be considered sane? Religion appears a self-induced or maintained psychosis, to me; where, as mentioned, some leads to more, and more leads to ..war.

@Closeted So, it’s we Atheists who’re the crazies 😀

@Closeted There was a very short time I began to get into it.. Dr. Who … though drifted back to the latest incarnation of Star Trek

@Varn you have that right, but remember that it’s only your opinion, not absolute truth.

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