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Xtian Nation = Zombie Apocalypse

When people first started mentioning the zombie apocalypse online (never watched zombie stuff, too much gore) I thought they were referring to xtians trying to take over the world.

If you think about it, it's a perfect analogy.

I was talking to a coworkers one day and for some reason whatever I said sent her into a religious tirade. The creepiest thing I ever saw happened. Her eyes glazed over and she looked far away and the words coming out of her mouth weren't even like the person I knew as a coworker. It was like watching a movie demon possession. Made chills run down my spine.

WHen her tirade was over she shook herself like she was waking up and voila' she was back to normal. Weird!

mzbehavin 8 Feb 8

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They are similar. Nice observation.


Definitely an appropriate analogy.

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