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If energy can not be created (i do not believe this) or destroyed ,then it would be reused.So does that mean reincarnation is real not necessarily as a human or animal.

KICKN 5 Feb 9

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No, because that energy does not exist. When thermodynamics says that energy can't be created or destroyed it is referring to real energy. When a human dies our body stops releasing the chemical energy in food to use as electrical energy, kinetic energy and so on. As we rot our stored energy is eaten by other life forms such as bacteria and insects, some of it escapes as thermal energy (which is why decomposing things are often "warm" ) and the rest stays in the food chain as part of another animal... Perhaps in that sense we are reincarnated, but not in a very comforting way.

You still have the energy one calls self,nothing has explained that i think it is more then biological.

@NormanKickery electrical and chemical energy in the brain. How it adds up to a consciousness is not really explained yet, but the substrate to consciousness is fairly well measured.


E=Mc 2 Does not apply to people..but it does to energy.

People run on energy what some call a soul,essence whatever word you choose

@NormanKickery ...Energy can be described by scientific theory and mathematical equations. Soul or essence must be excepted by faith because there is no evidence they exist. People can call them whatever they like but they are not the same. Pseudo science is not a form of science, it is the opposite of science.


Yes of course. You have molecules in common with Julius Caeser. Energy is eternal. What a beautiful thought.

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