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My husband and I are disagreeing... Sometimes our son age 12 (and autistic) will knock on our bedroom door while we are in the middle of sex. My husband will respond "In a little while." Then our son will come back in 5 or 10 minutes asking "Are you ready yet?" Sometimes we just don't finish because it ruins the mood. I think we should tell our son that we are being romantic and to leave us alone! Husband thinks it is weird to let him know what we are up to. I mean we're not going into detail ffs. Waiting until he goes to bed isn't an option. What have you done?

soulless 7 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I would be concerned that too much information given to your son might dampen your husband's "enthusiasm" and that would not be good for either of you. I like the do not disturb sign.


Let him know: When the bedroom door is closed, you may not interrupt.



I can attest ..having worked with such boys in a school setting.. Whatever you explain to him will likely be run past his schoolmates and instructors πŸ™‚ How about a little β€˜do not disturb’ sign/ face you can hang on your door knob red. Be good about removing it, and diligent in placing it.

Varn Level 8 Feb 9, 2019

He is homeschooled but I also don't think it should be taboo that parents are intimate with each other. I could try something on the door and see how it works.

@soulless It doesn't have to be like shock but can be taken casually if he happens to come in. "Hey we're busy right now--"

@soulless You could also invest in a lock πŸ˜‰

@Skeezwazzle Oh, it's locked lol.

@Skeezwazzle, @soulless ...I’m envisioning any number of former little sixth grade charges πŸ˜€ They could be very attentive, and persistent!

@soulless Then have a meeting with him and tell him that when the door is closed you and daddy are bumping uglies. That way you only have to explain it once.

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