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Abandoned buildings- vandalism.

dahermit 7 Feb 9

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So start licensing teenage boys?

No, taxing parents. The licensing of dogs was to maintain a fund to pay for what they did. Taxing the parents would create/maintain a fund for the damage they do. If it is fair to "tax" (license), dog owners, why would it not be fair to tax the parents of boys? It has naught to do with making them wear a tag.


Having passed an abandoned factory this A.M. that is beginning to have its windows broken, I submit the following:

There are ordinances in many municipalities that mandate that the owners of such abandoned buildings, board-up the windows to prevent vandals from breaking them and creating an eyesore and degradation to the value of the building.

However, that puts the financial burden on the victim, not the perpetrator(s), which should be contrary to the spirit of the law.

The "perpetrators" most often are groups boys( two or more, a single youth usually does not vandalize nor do most girls, even in groups.) Inasmuch as any person under the age of majority (18 in most cases), they are by custom, not endowed with full rights as citizens and therefore restricting their ability to be at large in groups (two or more),sans parental supervision would seem to be a legitimate control measure. Such a restriction could be in the form of three days of jail time for those boys caught on foot, on public property (streets, etc.) in groups.

Also, considering that the mandatory licensing of dogs was a measure to create a fund from which compensation for those who had livestock killed by roving dogs, set a custom and precedent, perhaps a tax to maintain such a fund should be assessed against the parents of boys to compensate building owners for their losses due to vandalism.

Or anticipating an outcry from the parents of teenage boys especially mothers, I preemptively say, "keep your little bastards at home and under control."

@Bierbasstard Only a few dogs were killing livestock, but all have to pay for the license...that is the president...what is the difference?

@Mortal Do you think all the posts I make are meant to be taken seriously?

@Mortal this is why I asked: " Yea he's kind of like that, judging from other post I've seen from him,"

@Mortal I don't find razor wire draconian at all. If I were an illegal alien intent upon entering the U.S., and encountered razor wire, I would just go to Texas and swim the Rio Grand...I would not find the razor wire intimidating, a hindrance or "draconian" at all. I would however, find it to be a futile gesture.

@Mortal No dice...I am going to hunt you down and force you to dress like a woman until you agree with me.

@Mortal Re: Razor Wire...can you say, "wire cutters"? Well, considering that due to exposure to the elements that razor wire is likely to be tougher than regular wire (likely one of the stainless steels), bolt cutters will likely be found abandoned all along that barrier of razor wire...right next to gaping holes that is. That is why it does not offend only represents a barrier to those who do not understand how easily it can be, and will be defeated.

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