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“I never could bear the idea of anyone's expecting something from me. It always made me want to do just the opposite.” Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit

THHA 7 Feb 10

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I don't mind reasonable expectations. My wife expects me treat her with love and respect. My children, when they were young, expected to be housed, fed, clothed and educated. My clients expect me to follow through on commitments and do things in a workmanlike fashion, etc.

I don't abide unreasonable expectations. Like when people expect me to gain insight into their wants and desires through mind reading, or this client I had once who expected me to delay billings or cut my rates because of HIS cash flow issues rather than obtain financing to manage HIS problem. Come to think of it, unreasonable expectations usually are a manifestation of someone trying to make their problem, your problem. It's a boundary violation issue.


Expectations are normal from parents ,family ,employers, friends and society and rightfully so. If they weren't the person's life would be chaos and they would never know what to do or how to act.

If I acted like my family members, I would be either a racist, a religio-nazi, or a child abuser.

@THHA We all had to pick and choose the parts we liked or disliked. I had many from my mother my dad was fantastic.


We all expect something of others. We expect them to be decent, not to harm any body els, etc, etc, and rightfully so.


Human reaction I think.


I feel the same way.
I despise expectations in general.

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