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Western Sharia Police ::: Sargon reviews some recent examples of the police refusing to enforce British law against muslims, and then attack those who have been complaining. ...

Police forces across the Western world protect Islam over the rights of Western citizens. This cannot continue, Muslims must learn to accept criticism of Islam. ...

JacarC 8 Feb 10

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Oh ffs. One of the most disappointing things about connecting with fellow atheists was the realization that we, too, have our own idiots and bigots and misogynists etc. Go read a book. Any book.


The problem Jacar is you simply want to accept all this right wing hate propaganda without checking facts. Mr Owl and I are British, it is our lived reality, you just cannot post this stuff and expect it to go unchallenged. It just is not true (or very partially true).

This is not alt-white. These things are happening around the world. The british police are investigating thousand of supposed anti-islam hate speech twitters. That is fascism.

Please listen to more actual international news.

@Jacar I make a habit of doing just that. I watch US news, French, RT and HK well as BBC. I also live here. We have hate speech legislation defined into law, consequently people cannot simply go around making hateful comments about any group. There have been cases brought to court for alsorts of groups a CofE vicar near me got into trouble for talking rubbish about gypsies (by far the most universally disliked and openly distrusted group in UK). Just these stories are often an exaggerated and distorted version of the truth.


BS...I am glad Mr Owl got there first...this stuff sends me into a fury!

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