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Is there any possibility of dividing this place into a list of forums to separate out the general posts a bit. I'm fed up of seeing posts discussing gods and Trump. Maybe there's already a way to filter them out though? (I'm referring to the "Recent Member Activity" list which appears to be the main way to see what's going on.)

David_Cooper 7 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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There is a settings tab next to recent member activity that allows you some level of designation regarding what you want to see in your feed. Also, the feed itself has filter tabs (lots of options under 'more'😉 you can use to help mainstream what you're looking for.

@David_Cooper Glad you're happy with the change. There are lots of ways to personalize your engagement with the site. Most I didn't find until I intentionally played around with settings and options. Have fun!

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