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It's tell me something good Tuesday so tell me something good. I was down a couple of pounds on the scales this morning.

ProudMerrie 8 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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One of my co workers that I really like and respect much , got a great job offer / position at a great setting / hospital . She has a one yr old baby and she just got her NP licenses last September , she found a position that will allow her to spend plenty of x w baby and husband AND see patients at acute care . I am so happy since yesterday that she got the official letter ?????? I will miss her flying next to me and solve shit togheter , but it's perfect job for her ??? she is a sweetheart ???


It’s actually taco Tuesday and it doesn’t get any better than that.?


I founfd two matching socks first try!


Finished my novel's final edit yesterday. One more look over and critical comments from a separate source, then off to Amazon

@ProudMerrie fiction - a ghost story. Two old friends reconnect 25 years after a falling out. One returns as a ghost, with a favor to ask.

@ProudMerrie that is the plan. I'll post more when available.


I'll soon be off my cane from re-injury to my back. My superiors and subordinates at work will finally stop worrying about me and babying me! I'm not dying! ?

They make me coffee and bring it to my desk. They're so freagin good to me! I love them all!❤

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