There has been a lot of discussion about the border wall, but let me give you my view.
I was stationed on the East-West German border from 1983-85 at Fulda, West Germany. Having performed multiple stays at OP Alpha for Border Patrol I have been up-close and personal to a border fence. I saw the mines, the plowed strips, anti-vehicle ditches, armor and attack helicopters from the "enemy" side.
It was all designed to keep the East Germans from escaping to the West, not to keep us out.
I have spoken to the East German guards and knew how bad they wanted to come over to a better life, but the retaliation on their families prevented that.
When the wall fails to work will it be a case of "For a few million dollars more we can fix that, after all we have $5 billion invested in it so we can't throw that away.".
My fear is that the rhetoric will become so bad (especially when the wall itself fails to keep out immigrants) that the wall itself will become militarized with machine gun carrying guards, vehicular or antipersonel mines or vigilantes looking to shoot first. Will the U.S. steal part of Mexico to set up a buffer zone such as the DMZ in Korea?
What kind of country will we be then? What will we tell our children? What will we show our children?
I do appreciate your service but I seriously wished that everyone would stop with the false narrative BS.
The wall isn’t going to be completed by the time he’s gone from office. There will not be guard towers or mines and all of that shit. Like the one in Israel which has been more of an example of what trump’s looking for than your examples.
We’re not at war with Mexico unlike Korea and Germany it’s two totally different scenarios.
So what everyone will tell their is about a time that the misguided practices of our two exclusive political parties led to us having a manifestation of our failed political society.
And even though we lost ourselves we fought back and regained our country and will hopefully rebuild our government to hopefully never allow this again.
@PalacinkyPDX So you’re actually saying that those who are in favor of the wall the majority??
I’m only asking because if they were then they would’ve been the majority when it started and the wall would’ve been finished by now.
This whole sky is falling aunty Em aunty Em mindset over everything that comes out dumbfucks mouth is actually more annoying and ignorant than what comes out of his fucking mouth.
You people act like there’s no other part of our government and what is there is incapable of preventing him from doing anything he wants.
Well how’s the ban on Muslims working out??
The last time i checked there’s a young female congresswoman that being attacked by representatives of both parties for addressing the influence that an Israeli based superpac has had on our “ entire “ government.
DACA he’s found himself losing in court and has retreated to some degree from that. Pipelines and other environmental misguided actions have been challenged in our supreme courts and certain ones are on hold because of it.
While at the same time saint Pelosi dismisses the new green deal and none of y’all even bats an eye.
So like it or not just because the rest of the country doesn’t chant to the same ideology as most of y’all doesn’t mean that our country is doomed or evil or any of that shit.
It just means that some people are upset because the government isn’t the one that they wanted and it doesn’t hide it’s brutality like the ones before it.
@powder To some degree and don’t get me wrong I love Mexico but I don’t get why they’re still a 2nd world country and the outlaws seriously fucking run things because their government is satisfied with just being.
I’m simply suggesting that we build a barrier and we give the Mexican government 6 months to fix their shit or 3 months with our assistance.
If they refuse or stay lazy then we should start looking for tunnels and we take those tunnels and the land that’s connected to it. And if Mexico wants to fight about it then we become Honduras’s neighbor.
That way everyone is an American and we can add 32 stars or fuck it let’s just redo the flag and make it just one big ass ⭐️,and a better place for everyone ?
I doubt that Trump can get much of the wall built before he is out of office. Even most of the Republicans in Congress do not support the wall, and those that represent most of the districts along the border are not in favor either. Sanity can be restored once Trump is gone.
All barriers or obstacles can be breached by people unless the obstacle is observed and guarded. So if they build a wall there will definitely be guards on the wall......with weapons.
If unobserved they could easily dig under the wall or if they have explosives, blow a hole in the wall. @PalacinkyPDX