I’m pissed off tonight. Or I’m letting some unfounded anger flow through me. I’ve punched and kicked a few unimportant and meaningless things. Went for a walk down the street to let off steam. Well, good night.
Just a thought.
Dave...what am I going to say to you? .....Do not go diagnosing after one post! Its quite alright to have a shitty day...or several...without running for the prozac. We are people, we are a combination of our environment, our genetics, our biology and the A holes around us!
@Amisja who died and made you police?
diagnose verb
di·ag·nose | \ ˈdī-ig-ˌnōs , -ˌnōz, ˌdī-ig-ˈ, -əg- \
diagnosed; diagnosing
Definition of diagnose
transitive verb
1a : to recognize (something, such as a disease) by signs and symptoms
I didn't diagnosed shit. Go away.
@CallMeDave Wow...you offered a link to a web sight with information about SSRIs. What do you think I do for a living? Why such hostility? It was a gentle tease.