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Part of the Life Of Brian debate. Cleese and Palin v the Church. 1979. Very interesting!

Geoffrey51 8 Feb 14

Enjoy being online again!

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The Bishop of Southwark, Mervyn Stockwood, was a short time later involved in a homosexual scandal involving several male parishioners of various ages and after his death the Pius Mr Muggeridge was outed as a serial adulterer, liar and sexual harasser and groper.

Wow, I didn’t know that. Always thought there something iffy about Muggeridge. Seemed a bit too smarmy for my liking

@Geoffrey51 Muggeridge was a terrible man, who among other things took it upon himself to publicise the work of an unknown Albanian nun named Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, a despicable woman who believed that medicine interferes with the divine plan of god and so set up "houses of the dying" all over India to facilitate the painful end of life for thousands, even tens of thousands in abject squalor who need never have died at all. She also given the opportunity at the height of the AIDS crisis, spoke at the united nations to make a plea that condoms were a greater sin than murder and should be outlawed internationally.
Thanks to the concerted urging of Muggeridge this monster was made a saint and her reputation fixed for ever in the public conscience as St.Teresa of Calcutta, better know by her nom de gare as Mother Teresa.

@LenHazell53 bloody hell. What a pack of cxxxs. Sounds like Jimmy Saville in that the upper echelons knew what was going on but did nothing to get in its way. What a vile crew!

@LenHazell53 just read the comment from Hutchins when he interviewed her about no t wanting to alleviate suffering as it was a gift from god, but to increase the number of Catholics.

Here Mother come and get your Nobel Prize for altruism!

@Geoffrey51 Hutchins devotes a whole chapter to her and Muggeridge in "The God Delusion" monsters of pius malice, friends of dictators willing to grovel for blood money from evil men trying to buy their way in to the dream of heaven.
They make me sick.


I've probably watched this a dozen or so times. It never gets old for me.
The unmitigated pomposity of those two old fossils is pathetic.
Cleese and Palin did far more than just hold their own.

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