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"William F. Weld, the maverick former governor of Massachusetts, announced on Friday that he would form an exploratory committee to challenge President Drumpf for the Republican Party’s 2020 nomination."

CallMeDave 8 Feb 15

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I know Governor Weld. He is classy and extremely bright. I'd vote for him but fear he doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.


His platform is ridiculous and he’s an idiot. I do hope it’ll inspire some republicans to stand up to the bully in chief.


Good luck Mr. Weld.... I don't see where you have a chance - his followers are ignorant, I mean, blind, I mean cultish - yeah cultish.

I am inclined to think other challenges might follow.

@CallMeDave one can hope there are a lot - as in he gets locked up [with Pence] and they have their own primaries...

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