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There are 3.1 million public school teachers in the US. So my question does he know what all of these teachers across the country are doing or saying in their classrooms?

This is scary!! Purposely inciting division within our country amongst our young people. Wasn't there a guy named Hitler who did this once?


linxminx 8 Feb 17

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People have become more secure in their ignorance and their ridicule of experts. Teachers are underpaid and overworked -- and good teachers have pointed untold number of kids on the path of learning.

I fail to see how people can google some stupid shit on their cellphone and think "AHA SEE" about things like climate change and gun violence. They zero appreciation the science, software, mathematics and physics that make their cellphones work in the first place!

We are truly being governed by the party of Fox News -- the "Know Nothings" of the 21st century. This is scary stuff especially for the teachers trying to do their jobs and open minds.

(And in our own state of Nebraska -- look at the treatment of the University of Nebraska system by the governor and his allies in the Unicameral... sigh...)

Ohub Level 7 Feb 17, 2019

One of the definitions of Totalatarian - Fascism
governments remains: " you are free to believe anything you want as long as its the same thing as the government."

All the Trumps would like nothing more than to turn the US into a Totalatarian state.


Let them eat cake . . . . today's version.

THHA Level 7 Feb 17, 2019
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