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I posted an article on Facebook about how homosexuality isn't a sin. I posted it for conservative Christians who I thought should read it. Looking it over, I found I posted the wrong article - this one was a wishy-washy article about how Christians don't judge and forgive and blah blah blah. I meant to post a different one about why "clobber verses" are bullshit.

ANYWAY, one crazy aunt of mine keeps bugging me to watch all these stupid Christian movies. So acting on the suggestion of a member here, I told her I'd watch the movie if she read the article. (After I told her that, I looked at the article and found I posted the wrong one.)

So I tried to watch her movie, and it's in Polish with an Italian voiceover (some guy speaking over all the dialogue). No English. She called and I said there's no way I can understand this movie.

Anyway I asked her if she'd read the article and she said yes. At that point I kind of didn't care much because I'd posted the wrong one, but asked her what she thought of it. She said it was wrong and this person knows nothing about the Bible, then proceeded to tell me that Christianity is about love and you're not supposed to judge. Which is what the article said!!!

Then my other aunt (she puts it on speakerphone so I hear both of them and they hear me) said she wasn't reading anything because she knows her Bible and she knows what's right. She knows I'm an atheist by the way, she's one of the few relatives I've told. She went on to say she's older than me and knows more than I do. She knows she should stay like a child and not pollute her mind with garbage that's not child-friendly. She doesn't even look at most of what I post on Facebook because it's too offensive for her. She's serene and happy because of God.

So I said, don't certain things upset you? I kind of joked that Trump should upset her. (She doesn't like him anymore than I do.) She said she doesn't care, it doesn't affect her life, she's not going to pay attention to these things but rather focus on God.

Then (as if I wasn't already sorry enough that I'd started this conversation) she gave me a 10 minute sermon about how God took care of her when she came to this country, when she was young and naive, God takes care of everybody, I should really read my Bible and concentrate on God. I asked her if she'd ever read Song of Solomon, where they talk about donkey's genitals. (I was mistaken, that was Ezekiel.) She said she didn't like those things, so she just reads through them quickly and then concentrates on the parts of the Bible that she likes. I could have challenged her on that but let it go.

There's lots I could have said, if I was interested in anymore futile argument. I could have said, "It doesn't affect you, but that government shutdown affected lots of federal employees," and "The kids who were torn away from their parents were affected all right."

I could have said, "You did well when you came here because you had access to a good education and became a doctor, and my dad provided you with a place to live until you could pass your exams here and get a job."

I could have said oh so many things. I'm half tempted to say, OK, I'm going to read the Bible and post a verse that catches my attention on Facebook everyday and then post the most horrible verses I can find, but I know not only will this not sway anyone, they'll hate me. There's actually a verse in the Bible about not lecturing a fool because he won't learn anything and he'll hate you for trying to point it out to him.

Anyway I give up, I'm not going to say anything anymore.

altschmerz 9 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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"She said she doesn't care, it doesn't affect her life, she's not going to pay attention to these things "
Feck, hat is exactly what my eighty odd year old father says about Brexit, he seem, like so many others, to think if he closes his front door the crisis won't come knocking.
This disassociative attitude to reality must be a side effect of a lifetime listening to bullshit.

@Closeted She needs to tell him to bring some factor 167 sun cream with him, and a boat, oh sorry right he doesn't need a boat he has inflatable feet


Wow. I cannot help but think religion is a mind virus.

That would imply it is permanent, but I broke out of it. It probably is permanent brain damage for the majority.

I have given up breaking them out. I try to ease them into the liberal side of their religion with Bishop John Shelby Spong and others, but I have failed on every attempt even to do that.


A couple of times I posted really extreme bible quotes on FB. Until a couple of people took them seriously and agreed with me that things like killing your own child for being rebellious was a good thing (Deuteronomy 21:18–21).

I point that verse out to the anti-abortionists, and yet it has no effect on them.

@Closeted "let he who is without sin. . . "

Remember that joke - Jesus stops the stoning of a prostitute saying "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". An older woman from the back walks up, hefts a huge stone over her head and bashes the woman's head in. Jesus turns to her and says "Mom, you're not helping things here." 🙂


Most of what people believe is fuelled by their emotional responses to things and less by intellectually charged logical arguments. That's why cognitive dissonance is such an obvious issue when dealing, for example, with politically partisan journalists; they never see the problems with their own side.
This certainly applies both to adherence to and losing religion.

@slydr68, @Closeted The lack of genuine care for people is a big catalyst for my own move into serious doubt. They talk so much about love, and they do on the very surface so it looks good, but as soon as that love is put to the test it just evaporates. It sickens me to the core of my being.

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