Not all republicans are bad, any more than all democrats are lazy, blah, blah, blah. I think we need to stop hating a GROUP of people while assuming that they are all alike. I am fiscally conservative, and want to keep as much of my money as possible, while paying as little tax and possible, and be responsible for myself. Is it difficult to understand such a simplistic statement? I am NOT, however, socially conservative, but don't feel the need to change my political party to fit into anyone's view of which party is better. Try being polite to those who are different than yourself, perhaps they will, in turn, respect you for your right to individual choice. (Boy, howdy, do I get tired of being attacked for being a republican, we are NOT all the same as tRump)
Where did I heard that before? Oh... Not all Germans were Nazis. They did Not Knew. You are what Your Leaders Say You Are. Nothing against you personally but... You Voted republiKKKan. So... and by the way I am not a Democrat. But being Retired I am Lazy as Fuck... and I don't keep my Money I Spent My Money because when I Die... I Can't Take it with Me. You are what your vote say you are.
Republican politicians seem to generally have the attitude of "I got mine, so fuck you!".
I worked smart and hard for "mine", but I rarely say, nor have the attitude of "fuck you"... Oh, wait, thank you, you did specify politicians. Thank you for acknowledging that all republicans are not the same as those vociferous politicians!
@Rustee I think a goo dmany republicn voters are good people. I think it is that the party values changed to where republican politicians no longer represent or are really in line with their republican voters.
On the other hand I know of at least one person who voted for Trump because she had a high enough income to really benefit from the tax cuts, and that was all she cared about, not all the rest of the stuff (lies, biogotry and generally just not knowing what he is doing) that came with Trump. For those of us not in the top 10% of income earners, he has done nothing other than provide the scapegoat of illegal aliens.