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berrie is running for president and he could be the first non religious president in a long time and i think if you call yourself a hamanist you should for him

ChrisCampbell 5 Feb 20

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Totally agree...sent him my $27 already!


What is a hamanist ... someone who likes to eat ham?

Seriously though, Bernie is culturally Jewish, probably not practicing, but not anti-religious so far as I can tell. I just think he finds the whole topic irrelevant. That's almost more refreshing than an open atheist.


He also backed some antichoice candidates for office. Fuck that noise. Every time a democrat talks about working with republicans, its always women's issues that go to the chopping block. Just no.

Name them please?
He is as pro-choice as I am, and always has been. He is also a pragmatist, which is necessary in politics.

@AnneWimsey []


NO to Bernie Sanders. He has a soft spot for tyrants: Latin American strongmen.


I am a humanist, not a "hamanist." Have not eaten processed meat for 40 years.

@ToolGuy Bernie's biggest weakness in my view is that he's not interested in what he's not interested in. He keeps doggedly restating his talking points. He didn't seem interested in, e.g., the Castro regime other than that he feels an affinity for their healthcare system and then people assume this constitutes an endorsement of, or lack of sufficient ardor against, totalitarianism. I just don't think that's how his mind works. I think his collaborative style is to avoid inflammatory Shibboleths and popular judgments to keep negotiating options open, and this gets read as a love of tyrants. His other problem with how some people perceive him is that he lacks a belief in American exceptionalism, which allows him to let other nations run themselves as they see fit and to be restrained in sanctimoniously lecturing them just to prove how right we are. That's not the same as being a closet dictator.

It's too bad because he's the biggest-hearted, gentlest soul in national politics. I don't deny that Bernie would lack the foreign policy chops of some other candidates, but Trump has set that bar so low that Bernie would be a tremendous relief to the rest of the world; he would, after all, listen to his intelligence services and advisors and strive to do the right and humane thing. I want Bernie for his domestic initiatives though. We need to get our house in order.

i met humanist and Berre is the most like pollution and the best way to beat Trump

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