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The kid who made this video moves back in with me today for a few months. I could write a book about what impact this has on my life. It's silly, but I think this video says a lot about this kid. <3 <3 <3

#mentalhealthsupport #shortfilm #mamabear #impressedwithmykid

Lillyfield41 7 Feb 21

Enjoy being online again!

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impressive, is the word. grin


lol strange!


LOVE it!


She's a story teller like her mom. That was great!

In seventh grade (around 12 years old i suppose), she asked her art teacher if she could a video. He supported her, but she had to organize friends, figure out equipment and supplies.... life skills. It took about six months to bring all the moving parts together and film. I was so impressed when i finally saw the end result. This girl continues to impress me on a regular basis.

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