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Actor Jim Carrey draws and posts nearly everyday about the traitor in chief. From today

If u can still support this repugnant oaf, while ignoring 17 investigations, 34 indictments, 7 guilty pleas, 9000 lies, child imprisonment, money laundering, racism, misogyny, infidelity, environmental rape, and high treason, you’re not just misinformed... you’re a Sith.

Gypsy494 7 Feb 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't find Carrey to have any special insight, just a platform ripe for misuse. Like when he's helping perpetuate the anti vaxxer crap.

And Socialism. . The Dann multi millionaire, Who hypocritically made his fortunes from the capitilst structure DARES to preach commie deology with that NPC Bill Mayher. .. On national television. SMH.


I never was a fan of his, but I have been following his tweets lately, and have enjoyed how outspoken he is. I can almost forgive him for the intellectual hiatus he took while being all up in Jenny McCarthy's bidness a few years ago.

Deb57 Level 8 Feb 21, 2019

I agree !
I love his tweets.

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