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Why can’t you...

MissKathleen 9 Feb 22

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Good. Christian's adherence to a book which contradicts itself every page. You cannot win an argument because they EMBRACE the fallacies, revel in them, find hidden meaning in the mysteries the contradictions reveal. Great art is like that. Sometimes the contradictions are in the same sentence. The greatest prose ever written, The Desiderata, is a study in opposites. The antithesis of great prose, ironically, the Bible, is simply false, replete in lies, half-truths, historical inaccuracies, blatant and shameless appropriations of earlier myths, and out-and-out fabrications. So, it is impossible to corner and expose a Christian because they are not negotiating in good faith...their counterfeit coin is only meant to win arguments by constantly changing the premises. The mistake non-religionists make is in assuming 'truth' is the subject, when it is really winning arguments and feeling superior doing so.


Well said.


Because talking reasonably to a Christian is like playing chess with a chicken, they will kick over the pieces, shit on the board and then strut about like they won anyway.

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