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If I post one more baby or children's video, I'm going to want another baby!!! I better stop here. Last one.

I can't help it! ?❤?❤?

My sons are grown and one fixing to go off to college soon. It's taking a toll on my heart. I wish they were little again. ?


SleeplessInTexas 8 Feb 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Too cute! 🙂


I love that Texas slang. It reminds me of an old friend. These kids seem too young to have been left unsupervised long enough to have done all that. Very cute though.


Gotta admit that these little guys do warm the heart. ❤❤❤


Ahh,the Colic,early morning sicknesses,temper tantrums,and then the School years,do you really crave that all over again?

@Mike1947 YES! Those were THE BEST YEARS! My sons made motherhood very easy. Good kids. Not perfect, but I can't complain.

@SleeplessInTexas I'm only half joking when I tell parents of younger children that it all starts to go down hill after they learn to talk.


i can always help you out, well to practess anyway lol.


Not to worry good times are coming, weddings,grandchildren etc. I am having a better time now than when I was young. So hang in there.

@Marine One of these days, I hope.


I couldn't have kept the straight face and filmed them like that..

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