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Theism is a sickness. We shouldn't make fun of sick people.

EdwinMcCravy 5 Feb 26

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Hmm, well. I don't typically make fun of sick people or people of whatever faith.
However I might seriously question the sanity of someone who has a curable sickness but never goes to a doctor or looks for the cure.
If theism is a sickness it is most certainly a curable one.
That being said, and to carry the metaphor further, it is typically acquired at birth (sometimes before) and therefore might be likened to a genetic disorder.
Again neither I, nor most in today's society, would laugh at that, but science might very well be looking for a cure.


Religionists often like to say, 'love the sinner, hate the sin.' To that I would reply, 'love the believer, hate the belief.'

What exactly do you believe that they believe?

@EdwinMcCravy I believe that they believe in what they say they believe, which when it comes to the 'sickness of theism,' covers a wide spectrum of belief.

@pnullifidian Do you yourself claim to have a concept of anything named "God" that they say they believe in? Or do you, like me, only know that they say the words "I believe in God" and behave as if they believed in something labeled that?

@EdwinMcCravy Your rhetorical question is spot on. If pressed to do so, I could not come up with a definition of God that comports to our understanding of the laws of the universe, and neither could a believer.

@pnullifidian Thanks. It's not a matter of whether you can come up with a word definition for "God". It's a matter of whether you can conjure up a mental image of anything that they could be talking about named "God". Since I have no idea of anything they could be talking about when they say "God", I can neither say "God exists", "God doesn't exist", or "God might exist". Uttering "God" is like uttering "Zod" or "Fod".

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