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Adult doll collector is still young

According to historians, from the prehistoric era Dutch wife highest grade became part of mankind.

Early dolls - made from raw materials such as clay, trees, furs etc - often depict religious figures that may be used for worship.

Egyptian tombs of wealthy families include ceramics dolls, but this is an important asset that is believed to be cherished by leading historians.
However, the modern dictionary expresses the animated real doll as "a child's toy shaped like a baby or other person."

Most girls grow, at least one doll becomes an important toy in your favorites. On the other hand, a trip to a doll show or an antique shop shows that the doll is older than a child, not a child's toy. There are many serious doll collectors and distributors of all ages and are prosperous in the market.
My grandmother's older collector admits her relationship with the doll "I get out of the question young."

After the era of ancient dolls, Europe became the center of production for real doll mail order sales. The wooden dolls of the 16th century and the early 17th century, mainly made up of Britain and Germany, have very simple nail joints like scissors of laundry. Today, rarely seen mainly in museums.

There are many things to learn in antique dolls, such as clothes, their producers, manufacturers, the history of tailors, and how to play children. As the collector's interest continues to rise, new information on these topics is gathered annually.
In addition to the dolls, wax figures were popular in the 17th and 18th centuries, and Munich became the main manufacturing center. The head of a doll is typically made by pouring molten wax into a mold made of gypsum. The body of a wax doll is usually made of cloth full of wax's limbs. The type of doll that is classified depends on the material of the head. It is not a material used for the body. Sex doll can have a beautiful and real head. Because wax can imitate skin more than wood.
The development of raw materials of the 19th century provided an alternative to trees and wax. Composition is a generic name for pulp wood or paper mixture. These mixtures formed under pressure create a durable doll that can be mass produced. Manufacturers carefully protect the formulation of their mixtures, sometimes using strange ingredients such as ash and eggshells. Papier-mâché is a component that is one of the most popular blends.

In the 19th century, female love doll made of porcelain was generally seen. This was made by firing special clay in a kiln at extremely high temperature. The name "porcelain" is used to refer to porcelain and bisque dolls. China is glazed and soup can not be glazed.
French "bebe" has gained popularity after its release in 1850, but it is different from its predecessor because it draws an infant. Prior to this, most dolls were represented by older children and adults. The beauty and artistry of French dolls are unparalleled, but German enamel dolls are not expensive, so the popularity has increased at this time. Ceramic dolls are manufactured in the early 20th century and are very popular with today's collectors.

yamamoto 1 Feb 25

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