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The delusion of resurrection and eternal souls!

GROG 6 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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We still need to explain how some small children remember past lives. If interested, consult Dr Jim B Tucker's books on the subject.


Yes I agree it’s very delusional but a lot of the religous folks get mad as hell if you suggest that possibility.

Isn't that the point? I think they are victims of the greatest scam in the history of humankind. They have been hypnotized themselves to believe that they are special and blessed, to live forever because they have an eternal soul. Where is heaven? In the mind, I think. I think they should be ridiculed for their gullibility. GROG

@GROG I’d just as soon avoid confrontation with them as it’s quite pointless.


I suppose it started with the grief of losing loved ones, and a desire to see them again.

gater Level 7 Feb 25, 2019

Basic religion is ancestor worship where the soul (which we all seem to believe we have) continues to exist as a spirit in a spirit world. This of course is a dream wish. But, the resurrection belief of the monotheists is dangerous because their story ends with the end of the world for everyone! Which they pray to bring about, ASAP! GROG

I’m sure it did.

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