I missed my court date. I got a letter in the mail that said I missed my court date but they rescheduled it out of courteous y and told me if I miss that one they would issue a bench warrant. Yesterday I couldn't spell bench warrant, today I'm an expert on them. My crime? A dog without a lease on in my neighborhood. Here's the irony of it, not my dog and I wasn't even there. Your thinking sure, all criminals claim to be innocent? Here's how it conspired. Awhile back a friend of a friend encouraged me to rent the built on room to a women she knew. I felt lucky and said yes. You know, she came highly recommended. After she moved in she hit me with a dog story. Me being a dog person I said sure, I like dogs, bring it on. Nothing could go wrong. She keeps her dog in her living quarters and takes him out several times with a leash. Something my dogs have never experienced and never will. They go with me everywhere. Anyway my babies and I were out at a Mexican restaurant because they have outside seating so they don't have to stay in the car. So while I was gone, she let her dog out and he ran down the road. Animal control came along. She told then that it was my dog and provided them with my information. That's how I got in hot water with the city. It can happen.
If you got subpeoned, you got off light. They easily could have had a warrant out for your arrest.
I had a warrant for my arrest, and one morn, a police officer came knocking on my door. I forgot to pay a $10 parking ticket. Yes, ten fucking dollars.